About Keshea
Work with Keshea
Kreative Signature
About Keshea
Work with Keshea
Weeks 4 and 5
Lets get to work...
Who is your ideal client and why?
How will you serve this client?
What will you offer and how will you reach your client?
Do you have any of the following? Social Media? Lead Pages? Website? Do you need assistance in this area?
What tools do you need to help your client achieve their goals?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as an expert in this field? and why?
How have you invested in your vision? Books? Webinars? Workshops? Coaching? and did this help?
What has been the greatest resistance you have encountered and how did you manage it?
What is your overall mission?
Tell us your favorite quote and why?
Thank you!